Professor (48 people)
Professor (48 people)
1 |
Faculty of arts Department of Interactive Media |
Others |
2 |
Faculty of Engineering Department of Engineering |
Others, Others |
3 |
Faculty of Engineering Department of Engineering |
Others, Architectural history and design, Architectural history and design |
4 |
Faculty of Engineering Department of Engineering |
Others, Others |
5 |
Faculty of arts Department of Manga |
Others, Others |
6 |
Faculty of arts Department of Animation |
Other, Others |
7 |
Faculty of Engineering Department of Engineering |
Others, Others |
8 |
Faculty of Engineering Department of Engineering |
Others, Others |
9 |
Faculty of arts Department of Game |
Entertainment and game informatics, Others |
10 |
Faculty of arts Department of Design |
Design, Others |
11 |
Faculty of Engineering Department of Engineering |
Others, Others |
12 |
Faculty of Engineering Department of Engineering |
Others, Others |
13 |
Faculty of arts Division of Liberal Arts |
Education, Others, English linguistics, Linguistics |
14 |
Faculty of arts Department of Photography |
Others, Others |
15 |
Faculty of Engineering Department of Engineering |
Others, Others |
16 |
Faculty of arts Department of Interactive Media |
Others, Others, Human interface and interaction |
17 |
Faculty of Engineering Department of Engineering |
Others, Others |
18 |
Faculty of arts Department of Interactive Media |
Others, Others |
19 |
Faculty of arts Department of Photography |
Others, Others, Aesthetics and art studies, History of arts |
20 |
Faculty of Engineering Department of Engineering |
Others, Others |
21 |
Faculty of arts Division of Liberal Arts |
Linguistics, Others |
22 |
Faculty of arts Department of Design |
Others |
23 |
Faculty of Engineering Department of Engineering |
Others, Others |
24 |
Faculty of arts Department of Manga |
Others, Others |
25 |
Faculty of arts Division of Liberal Arts |
Design, Others |
26 |
Faculty of arts Department of Interactive Media |
Others, Others |
27 |
Faculty of Engineering Department of Engineering |
Others, Others |
28 |
Faculty of arts Department of Imaging Art |
Others, Others |
29 |
Faculty of Engineering Department of Engineering |
Others, Others |
30 |
Faculty of arts Department of Imaging Art |
Others, Others |
31 |
Faculty of arts Department of Interactive Media |
Human interface and interaction, Others |
32 |
Faculty of Engineering Department of Engineering |
Others, Others |
33 |
Faculty of Engineering Department of Engineering |
Others, Others, Others |
34 |
Faculty of arts Department of Manga |
Others, Others |
35 |
Faculty of Engineering Department of Engineering |
Others, Others |
36 |
Faculty of Engineering Department of Engineering |
Others, Others |
37 |
Faculty of Engineering Department of Engineering |
Others, Others |
38 |
Faculty of arts Department of Animation |
Others, Others, Others |
39 |
Faculty of Engineering Department of Engineering |
Others, Others |
40 |
Faculty of arts Division of Liberal Arts |
Others, Others |
41 |
Faculty of arts Department of Imaging Art |
Others, Others, Others |
42 |
Faculty of Engineering Department of Engineering |
Others, Others |
43 |
Faculty of Engineering Department of Engineering |
Others, Others |
44 |
Faculty of arts Department of Photography |
Aesthetics and art studies, Others |
45 |
Faculty of arts Department of Animation |
Others, Others |
46 |
Faculty of Engineering Department of Engineering |
Others, Others |
47 |
Faculty of Engineering Department of Engineering |
Others, Others |
48 |
Faculty of arts Department of Game |
Arts, Game Planning & Development |
Associate Professor (28 people)
Associate Professor (28 people)
1 |
Faculty of arts Department of Manga |
Science of Art, Others |
2 |
Faculty of arts Department of Imaging Art |
Others, Library and information science, humanistic and social informatics, Area studies |
3 |
Faculty of arts Department of Design |
Design, Others |
4 |
Faculty of arts Department of Animation |
Others, Others |
5 |
Faculty of arts Department of Game |
Others, Others |
6 |
Faculty of arts Department of Animation |
Others, Others |
7 |
Faculty of arts Department of Interactive Media |
Others, Others |
8 |
Faculty of Engineering Department of Engineering |
Others, Others |
9 |
Faculty of arts Department of Photography |
Others, Others |
10 |
Faculty of arts Department of Manga |
Others, Others |
11 |
Faculty of Engineering Department of Engineering |
Others, Others |
12 |
Faculty of arts Department of Photography |
Science of Art |
13 |
Faculty of arts Department of Animation |
Others, Others, Others |
14 |
Faculty of arts Department of Design |
Others |
15 |
Faculty of arts Department of Game |
Others, Others |
16 |
Faculty of arts Department of Design |
Design, Others |
17 |
Faculty of arts Department of Design |
Design, Others, Human interface and interaction |
18 |
Faculty of arts Department of Design |
Design, Others |
19 |
Faculty of arts Department of Manga |
Manga production, Learning Manga, Illustration, CharacterIllustration |
20 |
Faculty of arts Department of Design |
Design, Others |
21 |
Faculty of Engineering Department of Engineering |
Linguistics, Others |
22 |
Faculty of arts Department of Design |
Design, Others |
23 |
Faculty of arts Department of Design |
Design, Others |
24 |
Faculty of arts Department of Game |
Others, Others |
25 |
Faculty of Engineering Department of Engineering |
Others, Others |
26 |
Faculty of arts Department of Animation |
Design, Others |
27 |
Faculty of Engineering Department of Engineering |
Others, Others |
28 |
Faculty of Engineering Department of Engineering |
Others, Others |
Assistant Professor (10 people)
Assistant Professor (10 people)
1 |
Faculty of Engineering Department of Engineering |
Others, Others |
2 |
Faculty of arts Department of Photography |
Aesthetics and art studies, Others, Others, Others |
3 |
Faculty of Engineering Department of Engineering |
Others, Intelligent informatics |
4 |
Faculty of arts Department of Photography |
Others, Others |
5 |
Faculty of arts Department of Animation |
Others, Others |
6 |
Faculty of arts Department of Game |
Others, Others |
7 |
Faculty of arts Department of Imaging Art |
Video Technology |
8 |
Faculty of arts Department of Design |
Other, Others |
9 |
Faculty of arts Department of Design |
Design, Others |
10 |
Faculty of arts Department of Manga |
Others, Others, Others |
Research Associate (4 people)
Research Associate (4 people)
1 |
Faculty of arts Department of Design |
Art, Ceramic |
2 |
Faculty of arts Department of Interactive Media |
Others |
3 |
Faculty of arts Department of Design |
Design, Illustration |
4 |
Faculty of arts Department of Photography |
Others, Others |