Achievement System
Achievement System TOP
(Last updated : 2025-01-07 16:33:58)
Department / Course
Tokyo Polytechnic University Faculty of Engineering Department of Engineering
Associate Professor
Academic background
Business career
Present specialized field
Book and thesis
Academic conference presentation
Research topic, funded research, and department laboratory expense
Winning science prize
Exhibition, concert, and athletic meet
Department laboratory expense researcher number
Academic background
Doctorial Graduate School, Division of Engineering Tokyo Polytechnic University Finished Thin film/surface and interfacial physical properties
Master Graduate School, Division of Engineering Tokyo Polytechnic University Finished Semiconductors, optical properties of condensed matter and atomic physics
Faculty of Engineering Tokyo Polytechnic University Graduated Semiconductors, optical properties of condensed matter and atomic physics
Business career
2022/04/01 ~
Associate Professor Tokyo Polytechnic University Faculty of Engineering Department of Engineering
Present specialized field
Others, Others
Book and thesis
Effect of annealing treatment of indium tin oxide thin films on film properties and transparent antenna properties Thin Solid Films 794,pp.140295 (Co-authored) 2024/04/15
Transparent Antenna with High Radiation Efficiency and High Optical Transmittance Using Dielectric-metal-dielectric Composite Materials Based on ITO/Ag/ITO Multilayer Film 15,pp.E22-1 (Co-authored) 2022/04/01
Photocatalytic properties of annealed TiO
films with controlled structure fabricated using oxygen-ion-assisted reactive evaporation with glancing angle deposition technique 12 (1) (Co-authored) 2022/01/01
Top-emission organic light emitting diode with indium tin oxide top-electrode films deposited by a low-damage facing-target type sputtering method 698 (Co-authored) 2020/03/31
Reactive sputter deposition of WO3 films by using two deposition methods 37 (3) (Co-authored) 2019/05/01
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Academic conference presentation
Changes in carrier injection properties of OLED by the sputter-deposition of Al electrode (3)
High rate reactive sputter-deposition of WO
films with gasochromic properties (1)
Undoped Amorphous Tin Oxide Films Fabricated by Spray CVD (3)
Effects of Atmospheric Annealing on Transparent Antenna Properties of ITO Thin Films (TACT2023)
Reduction of Sheet Resistance and Improvement of Radiation Efficiency by Annealing treatment of ITO transparent antenna (International Conference on Electronics Packaging 2022)
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Research topic, funded research, and department laboratory expense
2015/04/01 ~ 2019/03/31
Development of high rate glancing angle deposition techniques with oxygen radical source for the fabrication of titanium oxide films with excellent photo-catalytic properties Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)
Winning science prize
TACT 2011, kenting, Taiwan International Thin Films Conference Poster Paper Award 第一位
TACT 2011, kenting, Taiwan International Thin Films Conference Poster Paper Award 第二位 (Changes in carrier injection properties of OLED by the sputter-deposition of Al electrode)
Exhibition, concert, and athletic meet
Room temperature deposition of crystallized TiO<sub>2</sub> films by a reactive sputtering (TACT 2011, kenting, Taiwan)
Department laboratory expense researcher number